Lesson 085 ~Slow Down~

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Hey Lady Lu...
There has yet to be a day when I don’t hear that woman’s voice echoing inside my head, “you need to slow down” yeah; “I Miss You” too Luna, this subject just never gets old. For today’s lesson and your viewing pleasure I have for you Rosa Joanna Farrell, she’s nineteen years old and from the game Final Fantasy IV.

Now I know it was my accident, my mistake, and my disgrace but honestly how much am I so suppose to slow down given the fact that I’m at a stand still and I just can’t seem to fall into the grave. You know what gets in the way of me getting home… life my darling Luna life; people say I’m standing in my own way and yeah maybe that’s true but it’s other lives making me wish to end this miserable existence you know. Hitting that dog has just got me thinking, I can’t see life, at this rate I can’t end a life, and someone is always yelling at me about this existence; is there any question why I long to die.

Let’s take a look at today’s lesson, to make a slut like Rosa look so beautiful I would think takes a very long time. I must admit, this is somewhat slow for my taste, not that I don’t want to take my time with a girl but honestly how long have I waited for love; again I am at a stand still just wanting to get home. Remember that girl from the ATL, yeah she called dude a quick pumper and considering I’m a virgin here I am so very fast with nowhere to get to; I’m saying get home but this place where I sit is not my home, it’s a house and if I had the balls I would take those sleeping pills I have and leave.

So I need to slow down hmm… what sucks is she is probably right but will my path be clear, will life stop standing in my way, can I for once have some quiet inside this damn brain Luna. That’s what I have girls like Rosa for, a five minute reprieve, a breeze before I burn so much hotter, and a moment’s peace but like I told you before I need to extend it and I need somewhere to “come” to.

The war has been grinding to a halt as of late and I don’t want it to, I keep saying evil must be opposed, The Abomination’s evil of course and my mother is an ally to that evil; I’m starting to fall through Hell much too fast. Another development, I have looked at this girl on YouTube; I keep asking myself “what am I doing,” yeah Luna scary but I’m approaching ever so slow.

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked” Luna I consider myself second circle damned and I am quickly moving into circle nine Treachery; so who is it that I am betraying, like Faye Valentine would say “don’t lose me” I’m keeping my mouth shut on that dog I hit but there I am having a conversation about Braxton, have I forgotten already all mommy and The Abomination’s crimes in exchange for my own, I almost ended a dog’s life they have ripped apart my soul, damn what is wrong with me? Well I still have pretty Rosa here but I have to climb back up and let me just say that it’s been real cold as of late.

Anyway I saw this girl awhile back on Youtube and she sorta warmed me up some and so I left her a comment and big surprise I got nothing. I’m not falling for her, let me say that again I’M NOT FALLING FOR HER, but today I left her a few comments, so unlike what I gave Chrissy but just enough that she knows I’m here. No more comments if she says nothing Luna and I know you scoff; do you want me to promise… okay so I’m not in the mood to give my word.

So what have I learned today… stop speeding, work on fucking, and to stop falling, the one thing I should hurry up and do is dying. For a final thought how will I ever catch up my sweet lady Luna, when I can’t get moving, just Slow Down…


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