All hope abandon, ye who enter here!

Click Here!!! A thousand words, it could be more than a million but only one word truly matters… love. I once heard to get over a woman you should turn her into literature; I have published five books and still I haven’t gotten over love. Anyway I am a starving artist so please I have two books of poetry, one full story, and two books novellas… take a look or better yet buy one.

Click Here!!! Who is Le Marquis de Joker, well that’s a complicated subject but even more complicated is who is Will A. Bradford Jr., does he even know? Lady Luna a.k.a. Lady Lu, a.k.a. what ever else I say her name is, she is the keeper of the secrets, the chronicler of the tale, the imaginary girlfriend. She knows everything about my day to day or every other day, the only bitch who can embrace my madness, for now…

Click Here!!! This face, as jokingly disgustingly horrific as I have seen it to be in the faces of others is still my face. My body, as cold as it is as those that lie in the grave is but a shell to whatever it is that lies inside. Here you may feel free to stare, to laugh, to vomit, and to scream in pure terror, is it too much to ask that a pretty girl want me…

Click Here!!! Are you looking for innocence, a virgin, maybe you’re looking for love because I have been for the longest time. Maybe you’re a perv, dirty, naughty, bad, or just plain evil and you just want to fuck sluts and whores; I want to do that too. Here you will find “real” girls to satisfy the darkest of desires or at least my very own.

Click Here!!! These girls aren’t real, hell to me all girls are fairytale characters that really don’t exist and so I have my whorehouse of Hentai. Here you will find virgins, sluts, victims; anything and everything that I want to do to girls who really don’t exist. This might be my favorite section and if you have made it this far then I commend you; have fun!!!